40 Realistic Human Clay Sculpture For Beginners

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Sculpting is an art where you need to have a lot of patience. After all, creating something real look-alike from clay is not easy and definitely takes time. For a beginner, the art of sculpting can seem daunting but you don’t need to worry. Just keep patience and be ready to practice with these ideas of Realistic Human Clay Sculpture For Beginners.

Let us put it outright, it wouldn’t be easy to make a human sculpture and as a beginner, you definitely won’t get it right in just one trial. But with the perfect clay and some clever tips, you will definitely get there. If you are one of those who have been playing around with clay for a long time and now are in the mood to challenge yourself then these realistic human clay sculptures for beginners will give you the perfect inspiration.

Realistic Human Clay Sculpture For Beginners

Best Clay For Sculpting

Before you even touch any surface regarding sculpting, you need to know which of the clay you should work with. There are many clay brands in the market with varying characteristics and colors. Some of the popular clay brands are:

·        Van Aken International
·        AMACO Darice STONEX Clay 5 LB AIR Dry White
·        Modeling Clay – Sculpting and Molding Premium Air Dry Clay
·        Art Plastilina Modeling Clay
·        Arteza Polymer Clay Starter Kit
·        DAISO Soft Clay
·        Sago Brothers Modeling Clay
·        ACTIVA Blackjack Low Fire Clay
·        Sculpey III Oven Bake Clay

All these clays are some of the favorites of many sculpting artists. Their varying colors make them more appealing while their different characteristics make them unique. Choosing the right clay is very important and that depends on who is going to use it and for what. For human sculpture with fine details, it would be best if you stick to the soft clay.

1. Make Your Workspace

Realistic Human Clay Sculpture For Beginners
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Realistic Human Clay Sculpture For Beginners
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Your sculpting time will go a lot smoother if you set your workspace in a clean and tidy way. Get a table which will be at a comfortable height and place it where you can get the maximum of light. Make sure to have all your sculpting tools and materials on display so you can locate them easily while working.

2. Refer to Reference

Realistic Human Clay Sculpture For Beginners
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Before you get your hands dirty, it will be good to do some homework. I am talking about studying the nude and clothed anatomy of humans as well as muscles and skeleton so you can make your human sculpture look real. You can easily get access to these references via anatomy books or the internet.

3. Create A Figure Armature

Realistic Human Clay Sculpture For Beginners
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When you are thinking of making a human sculpture, you will have to first make a figure armature. This armature is made from the aluminum wire and works as the skeleton of your sculpture. It means that this armature is the support structure which holds your clay as you sculpt the figure. So make sure you don’t make this armature in haste.

4. Start With Basic Body

Realistic Human Clay Sculpture For Beginners
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Don’t jump into the fun part of adding details and carving. Just begin with the primary shape of your sculpture and make sure the basic body is ready first. Don’t forget about the pose of your sculpture either. Make sure that the primary shape of the sculpture is in a pose that works from all angles.

5. Pay Attention To Proportions

Realistic Human Clay Sculpture For Beginners
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Check the proportions of your sculpture while you are busy adding the clay gradually. This will save you from the trouble of correcting the proportions later. Because you don’t want your sculpture to have an irregular face which will look different from either side. Wink!

6. Check For Errors And Get Creative

Realistic Human Clay Sculpture For Beginners
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Once your sculpture is ready, go and have a cup of coffee, hell have a glass of wine after going through this long process and then come back to your workspace with a fresh mind. You will now see some of the things that are not looking right in your sculpture. Correct them and then get to the fun part of adding details to your sculpture. You can use wire and stamp to give your sculpture the perfect texture and earthly effect to make it look realistic.

Realistic Human Clay Sculpture For Beginners
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Realistic Human Clay Sculpture For Beginners
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Realistic Human Clay Sculpture For Beginners
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Realistic Human Clay Sculpture For Beginners
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Realistic Human Clay Sculpture For Beginners
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Realistic Human Clay Sculpture For Beginners
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Realistic Human Clay Sculpture For Beginners
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Realistic Human Clay Sculpture For Beginners
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Realistic Human Clay Sculpture For Beginners
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Realistic Human Clay Sculpture For Beginners
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Realistic Human Clay Sculpture For Beginners
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Realistic Human Clay Sculpture For Beginners
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Realistic Human Clay Sculpture For Beginners
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Realistic Human Clay Sculpture For Beginners
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Realistic Human Clay Sculpture For Beginners
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Realistic Human Clay Sculpture For Beginners
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Realistic Human Clay Sculpture For Beginners
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Realistic Human Clay Sculpture For Beginners
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Realistic Human Clay Sculpture For Beginners
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Realistic Human Clay Sculpture For Beginners
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Realistic Human Clay Sculpture For Beginners
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Realistic Human Clay Sculpture For Beginners
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Realistic Human Clay Sculpture For Beginners
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Realistic Human Clay Sculpture For Beginners
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Realistic Human Clay Sculpture For Beginners
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Realistic Human Clay Sculpture For Beginners
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Realistic Human Clay Sculpture For Beginners
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Realistic Human Clay Sculpture For Beginners
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Making a human Realistic Human Clay Sculpture For Beginners and that too making it look real will be a great challenge. But keep practicing and make sure you follow the suggestions and your human sculpture will be ready before you know it. Just don’t lose your patience and huff out, giving up.