How To Draw An Eye With Crayon: Step By Step

 Crayons are the wonder color tool that is cheap in rate and are available in huge color range. Here is the Step by Step Way to Draw an Eye. As eyes are the way to your soul, It is no doubt difficult to sketch down on paper. But with this complete guide of How to Draw an Eye with Crayon, you can easily be an expert. No need for restricting crayons for kids only. Why not adults can have fun with such creative coloring tool and sketch beautiful realistic drawings?

How To Draw An Eye With Crayon: Step By Step

If abstract visuals have always had a soft corner in your heart whenever you thought of painting, then this is the time to get those inner feelings out. Get a grip onto the paints, and plain canvas and take some inspiration from our Wall Friendly Modern Abstract Art Paintings ideas. The first thing you should note down always buys the best brand crayons to get that perfect drawing. After buying such crayon pallet, organize them with the color shades. Such organized crayons will be helpful in finding the best shade of color.

How To Draw An Eye With Crayon: Step By Step

Find a reference

How To Draw An Eye With Crayon

You must always keep a reference in front of you for a better idea of color shades. You can get this reference from a photo of your eye or you can also download a reference eye image from the internet. It will be a great help to get the size and shape idea too.

Outline eye with a pencil

How To Draw An Eye With Crayon

While starting a How to Draw an Eye with Crayon, the first step is to outline the eye with a simple light pencil. Draw the eye with curved lines and mark the pupil. You also have to outline watermark and the tear duct. This will enhance the realistic look of the eye. This is the basic one of Step by Step Way to Draw an Eye. Here we have some Illusionistic Between the lines Pencil Drawings of Animals. Check out-

Pick out the colors

How To Draw An Eye With Crayon

Pick out the crayons you will need to color the eye. Examine the shades in the reference picture and try the crayon on another paper to make sure it matches perfectly. Sharp the needed crayon prior to starting coloring the eye. Do not sharp the crayon to points as it may have the risk of breaking down. You must keep a white crayon to be used as a corrector.

Fill in the light shades

How To Draw An Eye With Crayon

Start with light shades first. It is much easier to give a darker shade so you have to be extra careful while giving such light shades. Some crayon shades are opaque while some are transparent. You have to pay attention to such shades before using them. See the light area in reference picture and color these areas with light shade crayons matching the reference.

Blend dark shades

How To Draw An Eye With Crayon

Once you finish with light shades, move on to darker shades and then the intense colors at the last. See for the perfect white shade in reference and color all remaining area with respected crayon. Be careful with the outlines for the dark shade colors. The color base of the iris with a lighter shade and complete it with dark color spokes.   

Finishing touch

How To Draw An Eye With Crayon

After completing the shading part you can give a final look with eyelashes to the eye. Eyelashes are never straight and therefore you must draw them curved. You can use the reference picture for a better idea. Draw eyelashes with sharp black crayons or go for a black pen as per your convenience. Here we present some Watercolor Techniques for Testing Color Mixing.
With all the guidelines for How to Draw an Eye with Crayon, you also have to follow some crayon rules. You must choose a paper which has a good grip on crayon colors. And Practice is the key to success which means you have to practice the art to get a better and better result. This Step by Step Way to Draw an Eye is well researched and planned which will help achieve a good realistic sketch.