40 Cute and Easy Pumpkin Painting Ideas

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Halloween is just a wait of few months and now we should really think about the decorations. There are some traditional decoration ideas about Halloween that are still yet much popular around the world. And if you celebrate Halloween each and every year, you probably know about the art of pumpkin painting. It is a very old tradition of Halloween, which is almost common among all the ideas. However, that has become something old and now we will have to think something new with that. Let’s get introduced with some cute and easy pumpkin painting ideas that you can go through in your home.

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Cute and Easy Pumpkin Painting Ideas:

Actually, the main reason of bringing this article is that whenever you will search for some pumpkin paintings, you will get plenty of ideas as results. But they are done by either the experts or someone who is experienced in this type of paintings. So that doesn’t work with us as we all look for some ideas that are easy and can be done by anyone. Sometimes we also try to engage our kids in the decoration procedure. So it has to be something very easy for us and here you will get something like that.

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First of all, you should know that, pumpkin art can be made of two types. One is that you can carve the pumpkin and make something creative. Another is that you can paint over the pumpkin to make it look good and fit for the occasion. Now you should know that painted pumpkins lasts longer than the carved pumpkins. So it’s always the better option to go with the painting, as because you can preserve your work for some more days. Overall, the process of painting is also a bit more easier than the carving one.

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So just, skip the knife and take the brushes in your hand to make a lovely and cute pumpkin painting. So when you will be buying a pumpkin from the market, remember to choose the one, which have the smooth surface over it. Actually the more smooth the pumpkin body is, more beautiful the painting will look at it. Before you start painting, remember to wipe the pumpkin with a moist towel for proper cleaning. Now first think about what you are going to paint over it. Try to use your creative mind, as you will have to make something that looks special.

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There are some misconceptions that people go through. Some people will say you that the stem of the pumpkin is necessary to stay at the top every time. But there is no such rule regarding it. When you are being creative, you will have to forget about all the rules and go beyond it. There are many ways that you can use the stem in your painting to make something. So think it in that way. A great way to bring some ghostly feelings in your painting is by painting the whole pumpkin white and draw something over it.

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So when you have made your artwork finally, you have some additional matters that you will have to keep in mind. For example, if you want your creation to last longer than normal, then you should avoid keeping it in direct sunlight and also the pets and squirrels moving around in your house. Now you should start thinking about the fall tradition, as it is not so late. Use your skill and creativity to make something beautiful that everyone will just praise. So we hope that the cute and easy ideas that we have collected for you all really worked for you in the making of your creation.