40 Easy And Beautiful Statue Of Liberty Drawings And Sketches

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Easy And Beautiful Statue Of Liberty Drawings And Sketches
From France to the United States, the journey of the statue of Liberty has been as historic as the idol. The statue was packed in about 214 crates so that it can be carried with ease and safety. A French artist named Fredric Auguste Bartholdi designed this statue in France. It was on the 17th of June 1885 that the statue was finally transferred to the New York harbour.

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Easy And Beautiful Statue Of Liberty Drawings And Sketches

As we all know, this statue is among the 7 wonders of the world and is a dream come true for a lot of artists to be able to replicate this one as one of their sketchings. It is never too early or late to begin practising this Easy And Beautiful Statue Of Liberty Drawings And Sketches, as practice makes a man perfect! So, keep making this Easy And Beautiful Statue Of Liberty Drawings And Sketches until you attain perfection.

Easy And Beautiful Statue Of Liberty Drawings And Sketches


Before you head out to draw or sketch this statue, you must know that it is 111 feet and 6 inches tall. In weight, it is about 220 tons (while the weight may not matter because you are sketching the statue, but still it may help you decide the dimensions). These dimensions will help you to come up with a rough estimate of how the statue shall be spread – both horizontally and vertically.


Step 1- The Base: Begin With The Tower Of The Castle

Easy And Beautiful Statue Of Liberty Drawings And Sketches

Easy And Beautiful Statue Of Liberty Drawings And Sketches

It is always suggested, to begin with, the base. The base of the statue is a three dimensional one, and you can do this by placing two squares side by side. Draw rectangles above and beneath them to get the perfect base. The top will be a little dramatic – hence, spend more time on it.

Step 2 – Draw The Step Up

Easy And Beautiful Statue Of Liberty Drawings And Sketches

Easy And Beautiful Statue Of Liberty Drawings And Sketches

If you observe, there is a little step up on the base. They are nothing but rectangular blocks on the already sketched base. There are about 4 layers, and each layer has its own dimensions of length and breadth.

Step 3 – Complete The Base Of The Statue With All The Detailing

Easy And Beautiful Statue Of Liberty Drawings And Sketches

Easy And Beautiful Statue Of Liberty Drawings And Sketches

Now, before you head up – ensure you are completing the base by having all the detailing done. The base has some vertical rectangular lines and shapes on it. The upper base has small squares on it. They are actually blue in colour, but as of now, you can just give the outlines and leave them as is.

Step 4 – Go On To Sketch The Head Of The Statue

Easy And Beautiful Statue Of Liberty Drawings And Sketches

Easy And Beautiful Statue Of Liberty Drawings And Sketches

Now, head straight up to sketch the head of the Lady. The head is round in shape. Along with that, ensure you have a little irregularity to depict the ears. Continue downwards with the neck and while you are doing that, continue with the lines to draw the sleeve of the dress of the Lady.

Step 5 – Sketch The Drapes Of The Lady

Easy And Beautiful Statue Of Liberty Drawings And Sketches

Easy And Beautiful Statue Of Liberty Drawings And Sketches

After you have outlined the head and sleeves, continue below to draw the drapes of the dress of the lady. If you observe, they are just curved lines and you have to follow patterns of these curved lines. They will come all the way down till the base.

Step 6 – Join The Lady To The Base

Easy And Beautiful Statue Of Liberty Drawings And Sketches

Easy And Beautiful Statue Of Liberty Drawings And Sketches

While you have sketched the curves and drapes of the Lady, to join her to the already sketched base, you will have to draw some straight lines that will depict the long legs of the Lady. You will also have to complete the drapes by showing closure of the robe.

Super detailed drawings are the ones whose inch to inch of the art is filled with details that are undoubted- a Mind boggling and truly inspiring and soothing inspiration. We bring to you the most amazing of Imaginative Drawings Of Super Detailed Art.

Step 7 – Concentrate On The Torch

Easy And Beautiful Statue Of Liberty Drawings And Sketches

Easy And Beautiful Statue Of Liberty Drawings And Sketches

With the above step, you have almost 70% of your statue ready. You will head up again to draw the main part of the statue – the torch. From the sleeve sketched above, you will extend the arms from there. In that, then you will use long lines to draw a torch in the hands of the Lady. You will have to shade the top portion of the torch to show it lighting.

Step 8 – Now, Go Back To The Head For The Hair

Easy And Beautiful Statue Of Liberty Drawings And Sketches

Easy And Beautiful Statue Of Liberty Drawings And Sketches

In this step, you will lay your focus on the headgear or hair of the statue. You just have to use straight lines to draw this part of the statue. Ensure that you are depicting it to look like hair, as it will have some effect on the head as well.

Step 9 – Draw The Eyes, Nose And Other Details Of The Face

Easy And Beautiful Statue Of Liberty Drawings And Sketches

Easy And Beautiful Statue Of Liberty Drawings And Sketches

Now, move slightly down to highlight the face by drawing the eyes, nose and mouth of the statue. Use circular lines to get these, as they are just lines and nothing else.

If you are looking for some solid inspiration to start your take at the masterpieces of contemporary art paintings, here’s our catch for you. We have chosen this list of Masterpieces of Contemporary Art Paintings Beginners must try, to make set his hand at it.

Step 10 – Add Colors

Easy And Beautiful Statue Of Liberty Drawings And Sketches

Easy And Beautiful Statue Of Liberty Drawings And Sketches

Finally, the outline of the statue is ready. Now, go on and add the colours to your statue. It is more to do with the colour blue, so use the right shade of blue and fill the statue with those colours.

Easy And Beautiful Statue Of Liberty Drawings And Sketches

Easy And Beautiful Statue Of Liberty Drawings And Sketches

Easy And Beautiful Statue Of Liberty Drawings And Sketches

Easy And Beautiful Statue Of Liberty Drawings And Sketches

Easy And Beautiful Statue Of Liberty Drawings And Sketches

Easy And Beautiful Statue Of Liberty Drawings And Sketches

Easy And Beautiful Statue Of Liberty Drawings And Sketches

Easy And Beautiful Statue Of Liberty Drawings And Sketches

Easy And Beautiful Statue Of Liberty Drawings And Sketches

Easy And Beautiful Statue Of Liberty Drawings And Sketches

Easy And Beautiful Statue Of Liberty Drawings And Sketches

Easy And Beautiful Statue Of Liberty Drawings And Sketches

Easy And Beautiful Statue Of Liberty Drawings And Sketches

Easy And Beautiful Statue Of Liberty Drawings And Sketches

Easy And Beautiful Statue Of Liberty Drawings And Sketches

Easy And Beautiful Statue Of Liberty Drawings And Sketches

Easy And Beautiful Statue Of Liberty Drawings And Sketches

Easy And Beautiful Statue Of Liberty Drawings And Sketches

Easy And Beautiful Statue Of Liberty Drawings And Sketches

Easy And Beautiful Statue Of Liberty Drawings And Sketches

As one can actually feel the classic combination of colours in the abstract painting. The most commonly found colour in abstract painting that always amazes is Blue. To absolutely blow your mind, here are Blue Abstract Painting To Admire.

So, what are you waiting for? Follow the stepwise guide to get the Easy And Beautiful Statue Of Liberty Drawings And Sketches on paper. You can choose the type of colours as per your preference – oil, wax or colour pencils.