40 Heartbreaking Pictures of Water Pollution

Water is said to be the life, indeed this is right. Around 70% of the Earth is covered with water, making it undeniably the most abundant natural resource. As young students, we learned, how crucially important this natural resource is and various ways to conserve it. Always available, most widely used and abundant in nature. However, if you look closely, dig a little research, the reality will certainly give you a shock.

Heartbreaking Pictures of Water Pollution

The rate at which water is getting polluted is scary, water pollution has become an appalling problem. It is powerful enough to even lead to destruction and end of the human race. Water is a solvent, dissolves pollutants very easily. There are ways through which water renew and cleanse itself by diluting pollutants, but sadly the process takes a lot of time. By doing some little things you can actually make a difference in your environment. So without any more rambling let’s dig into those really cool methods of recycling kitchen wastes.

Heartbreaking Pictures of Water Pollution

What Is Water Pollution?

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Water pollution happens when a harmful substance is released into the water which degrades the quality of water. Presence of toxic chemical substances and biological agents that are not naturally present in water and causes a threat to human health, species living in water and environment.

What Are The Sources Of Water Pollution?

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The sources of water pollution are divided into two categories – point and nonpoint. Point sources include pollutants that come from a single source like factories, wastewater treatment facilities, sewers. Nonpoint sources are when pollutants are emitted from multiple sources.

What Are The Causes Of Water Pollution?

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Industrial Waste-

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Industries create an enormous measure of waste which contains dangerous chemicals and poisons which can cause water pollution. They contain toxins, for example, lead, mercury, sulfur, asbestos, nitrates and numerous other unsafe chemicals. The poisonous chemicals have the capacity to pollute the water a lot, change the temperature and chemical property of water and stance genuine danger to water life forms.

Waste Water-

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The wastewater from each house is chemically treated and released in water sources like lakes or river. The sewers of urban areas house a few pathogens, destructive microscopic organisms and chemicals that can cause dangerous illness. Microorganisms in water are known to be reasons for some fatal sickness.

Oil Leakage –

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Oil leakage, accidental or intentional, represent a tremendous worry as an expansive measure of oil goes into the ocean and does not break down with water. It can induce harm species in the sea relying upon the amount of oil slick, the size of the sea, poisonous quality of toxin.It’s time to rescue those cherished souvenirs from uselessness and the following ideas might help you to act a savior for those treasured items. After all, first things first! here are some amazing ways to Repurposing or Reusing Broken Dishes.


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Mining coal or other resources, when separated in the crude shape contains destructive chemicals and can expand the measure of poisonous components when stirred up with water which may bring about medical issues. Mining exercises produce a few metal waste and sulfides from the stones and are unsafe for the water.

Radioactive Waste-

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Radioactive waste produced using nuclear fusion or fission, or from a natural substance like radon can be very dangerous. If not disposed of properly, it can cause a huge damage. Often these harmful substances are flushed into the water, causing a huge water pollution.

Global Warming –

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An expansion in earth’s temperature because of greenhouse gases impact brings about a dangerous atmospheric deviation. It builds the water temperature and results in the death of amphibian creatures and marine species which later outcomes in water contamination. You will find small grown readymade plants in the market but actually, it’s more fun growing a plant from seeds. So let’s discuss the steps of growing plant from a seed.


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Composts and pesticides are utilized by agriculturists to shield crops from creepy crawlies and microscopic organisms. Nonetheless, when these chemicals are stirred up with water becomes toxic for plants and creatures. Additionally, when it rains, the chemicals stirs up with water and stream down into waterways and channels which posture genuine harms for amphibian creatures. Instead of throwing the plastic bottle in the trash. See these Borderline Genius Ways to Reuse Waste Plastic Bottles turning them into some beautiful DIY home décor items and for many other purposes.

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Conserve water, use it less when possible. We also, unknowingly cause a lot of water pollution, we don’t realize. Make few changes in your household practices like not disposing household chemical water into flush or toilet. Do not dispose of any drug or harmful chemical in water. There’s a popular saying, the well you spit in, might be fetching you water. So use wisely and safely.