Interesting DIY Tutorial to Reuse Old Books

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Books are probably the best friends of people. Humans can betray you but books will never. They will intensely provide you with knowledge and information. It is also said that books are probably the best self investment. But when you earn about various other use of books other than reading it seems interesting. Yes interesting enough when you get various ideas of books other than reading. In our tutorial section this is a new post which we got inspired from a post at by the author Dmitry. You will find various articles about reusing your books in various different ways, but actually this one is really interesting enough and rare. The way this author has made the idea to decorate her office with damaged books is really awesome and attractive.

Here the author tells that she works in a Russian publishing house which publishes many good books and sells them on markets. Though everyone doesn’t get such advantages to work in a publishing house and get plenty of damaged books, still unused, old books can be easily used to solve the purpose. But you should never miss out such an amazing idea of interior decoration.

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You will not need many things to go through this project but a quantity of books is your only necessity. And other few things like hand gloves, dust protection materials for your own, a band saw to cut the books in shape and a strong glue to fix the books in the wall.

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If you have a friend who works in a publishing house, ask him or her to arrange for some books with defects. Actually after the books are printed and sold to the shops, sometimes mistakes are found in the books and these books are again returned to the publishers. The main cause behind that is a customer will never accept such damaged book. As a result, after arriving at the publisher warehouse they remain unused and remain as garbage in these warehouses. So instead you can easily use them to produce new things. Apart from that if you have old unused books in your home, you can also use them but it is quiet tough to get such quantity of books at home until and unless you are a massive bookworm.

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After arranging the books, look for a place where you can get band saw to cut the books. Normally you will get these at book binding stores, publishers, paper factories etc. Just you will have cut the books from there according to the size of the corner where you will stick the books. While cutting the books it produces a lot of dusts so it is recommended to wear dust protection materials and a hand gloves to protect your hand from cutting. In case if you don’t find a place with band saw, you can use a saw for cutting woods. But that will need a lot of effort to cut a paper.

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Now cut the books in a shape to make it an angle element as shown in the picture below. Before cutting, make a mock-up of the books you will be using, so that you can cut it plan wise. Creating a mock-up will help you to understand the work better. Here the picture is given below how you will create the mock up and then use it for the project.

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Now start sawing the books as directed. For details illustration, the author has provided a picture to give the example of the procedure of cutting the books. Here it looks very easy but actually it will not be so easy for you at first. Instead you can take the help from a professional who is used to this cutting process.

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Take the glue and apply it on the wall as well as the books so that it fix well and last longer. You will need high efficient glue for this purpose. Start sticking the books one by one starting from the bottom to up. Do it in a process like stick few books and then wait for some time again repeat the same. This type of element is called Pilaster in architectural language. That’s all and now you are almost done with the process. See the decoration and it will look a bit awkward but amazing.

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This is the result you are probably getting afterwards. Great thanks to the author Dmitry who really made out this idea and shared us in the internet. We got the article in ( and tried our best to bring it in a new way for you all. Ultimately this is going to serve you the best for making such an amazing DIY project. So it’s time to mesmerize your guests in a new creative manner that they even can’t think of it.

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