70 Easy and Beautiful Eiffel Tower Drawing and Sketches

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Eiffel tower is one of the most popular and greatest monuments in the world. Actually, there are lots of histories related to this beautiful creation. Do you know that this tower was built for the recognition of Paris around the world? And it is always considered as an architectural wonder of the world as this tower was built with a greatest technological plan which was almost a dream at that time of creation. Till date it attracts lots of people from over the whole planet. Now it also serves a very important role in the television and radio broadcasting.


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Easy and Beautiful Eiffel Tower Drawing and Sketches

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In 1889, a World’s Fair was organized at Paris which was named as ‘Exposition Universelle’ to mark the century of French Revolution. The artists all over the country was requested to submit their plans and more than 100 artists responded to this request. Actually it was the entrance of the exposition. So finally the commission was granted to Compagnie, a consulting and construction firm which was owned by Alexandre Gustave Eiffel, who was also a renowned Bridge builder, Architect and Metal Expert at that time. Now you can also predict that the name Eiffel Tower was given after the name of this man. But unfortunately, very few people know that the original concept was given by one of the employee of Compagnie, a structural engineer Maurice Koechline.

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Koechline’s structure was at first rejected instructing him to ornate the design more. After that it took two years to build this creation in collaboration of thousands of workers. Millions of people, who visited the world fair, saw this newly erected tower and flourished their enthusiasm. But this is not the end. Many famous artists thought that this tower was very unsafe and structurally unsound. Even some famous peoples regarded it so unsafe that they avoided going near this tower. But you should know that this tower was not a permanent structure of Paris, it was actually intended for temporary exhibition in the world fair of 1889.

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