60 Simple Pencil Mother and Child Drawings

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The infinite love of a mother for her child is too intense to express in words as well as through sketch. Mothers are the special gift from God, precious yet priceless. It is difficult to portrait her with a pencil. You have to work on expressions and inner soul of the mother and child for Simple Pencil Mother and Child Drawings. You may have a hand on Easy Pencil Drawings and want to give a try to Simple Pencil Mother and Child Drawings. For this voluble sketch, you have to put all your efforts in the best possible way. Here we present some Speaking Colored Pencil Drawings. Have a look-

Simple Pencil Mother and Child Drawings

Here are some tips to help you create a beautiful mother and child sketch.

Simple Pencil Mother and Child Drawings


How To Sketch Portraits With Pencil

Time to channel your sketching impulses to portraits. Select your favorite portrait of mother and child. Begin by drawing two lines on a page to divide the level of top for the head and bottom of the rest of the portrait.  On the top section, make sections for head to chin, this is done so that the portrait is in proportion. With topmost and bottommost marking done, identify rightmost and leftmost of the portrait. Finally draw the light lines of intersection.

Draw the head – With the four corner points marked, draw in the shape of the head with necessary curves. Outline the entire boundary of the head. Gradually, add in neck and shoulders. Make angle adjustments to equally broaden the portrait from both sides.

Simple Pencil Mother and Child Drawings

Add Construction Lines – Construction lines will define the facial features of mother and child drawing. Draw the light lines to place the construction of the features like sections for brows, nose, lips and jawline. Sight the correct angles for proportions. With reference ready, start by sketching facial features. No need to rush with the details. Include, eye sockets, shape of nose, lips and cheeks.

Simple Pencil Mother and Child Drawings

Finish Shaping Facial Features – With the construction lines defining features, go ahead with filling them with shadows and highlights. Portraits should have 3D effect and roundness at the edges. Start adding incremental detailing the entire face

Simple Pencil Mother and Child Drawings

Add Details – Detailing takes hours to finish. But as you keep adding details, you tend to get really excited about the end results. It is more of freestyling strokes at the end to define details. Now would be a good time to complete the hair and lower section of the drawing. Remember, we go from top to middle and bottom to middle. Have patience and keep progressing.

Simple Pencil Mother and Child Drawings

Patience & Motivation – You are bound to make mistakes. Each portrait takes not less than 5 hours to finish. In the end, it will be all worth the effort, hard work and patience. It’s the little details like softness of lips, nostrils, pupils, wrinkles, jawline that makes the portrait look realistic. You can take help of photoshop software for getting outline of the sketch. 

Simple Pencil Mother and Child Drawings

Drawing the child 

Simple Pencil Mother and Child Drawings

Simple Pencil Mother and Child Drawings

You should always start with an oval shape or a round shape for a child’s face. Children have cute features and you need to sketch these features precisely. Like other Easy Pencil Drawings, you can start with the guidelines for the initial base.

Babies mostly have chubby limbs so you have to sketch such chubby chicks. Keep the eyes of a child slightly big compared to a normal human eye. Put extra attention to child’s cloth as clothes will depict the age of the child.

You can choose between a girl child or a boy child. Child’s cloth and hairs will help you show the gender of the child. You can add a design on cloths of the child to show their gender like flowers for a girl child and superhero for boys.s

If you are already intrigued by this form of art and wish to dig deeper into it, then there is good news for you- below we have some examples of Brilliant Traditional Indian Art Paintings for you to check out. Have a look-

Drawing a mother

Simple Pencil Mother and Child Drawings

Simple Pencil Mother and Child Drawings

You can always start with an oval shape for mother’s face. Show long hair or go for a braided hair with beautiful curvy strokes with your pencil. Draw neckline with long curved lines below the oval. Narrow down the neckline and close with a garment line.

Mother’s garments depend on what you want to portrait in the sketch. You can go for a top or any traditional wear. Sketch sharp features for mother and try to put all your skill in showing the lifelong bond and love on the mother’s face. Features on the mother’s face will help you show this unconditional gentle warmth.

Showing the eternal love

Simple Pencil Mother and Child Drawings

Simple Pencil Mother and Child Drawings

This is the most difficult yet mandatory aspect in the Simple Pencil Mother and Child Drawings. You can show this eternal love with a mother’s eyes, lips and even with the smile on a child’s face. You can show an inner smile on mother’s face by sketching her beautiful lips.

Here We bring to you the most amazing of Imaginative Drawings Of Super Detailed Art.

Closed eyes can also work in some of the sketches like the one where the mother is holding an infant. Such Easy Pencil Drawings can also be deep in meaning and express lots of feeling through its lines.   

Choosing the best moment

Simple Pencil Mother and Child Drawings

Simple Pencil Mother and Child Drawings

After deciding mother and child drawing to be sketched, you also have to work on the moment you want to sketch. Simple Pencil Mother and Child Drawings may include a sketch of a mother holding her baby in arms. You can also draw the pencil art of mother and child sharing the same smiles. There are lots of such emotional moments between mother and child which have a lot to say. Choose any of such moments and try to draw it as close as possible. You can experiment with such drawings one after another.

Simple Pencil Mother and Child Drawings

Simple Pencil Mother and Child Drawings

Simple Pencil Mother and Child Drawings

Simple Pencil Mother and Child Drawings

Simple Pencil Mother and Child Drawings

Simple Pencil Mother and Child Drawings

Simple Pencil Mother and Child Drawings

Simple Pencil Mother and Child Drawings

Simple Pencil Mother and Child Drawings

Simple Pencil Mother and Child Drawings