40 Examples of Digital Paintings which will Pause you for a while

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Did you ever think would we be able to understand our past if cavies had scripted on the walls of their caves and instead of doodling? It would take thousands of years more to understand our history! Paintings or art is the most basic type of communication that anyone from any era can understand and it does not need translation. The first thing we learn before even entering education intuition is painting and you can decipher many things from what a person draws. A painting is not just some color on a canvas but a mirror into a person’s current life situation.

Paintings also convey messages and make easy contacts with the receivers. Take your example, we bet you desirably opt for graphical instructions instead of text, don’t you? Moreover, the technology has crossed miles and it is not just canvas to where paintings are limited now! As we use digital technology for every other these days, paintings are not behind and we have come up with these Examples of Digital Paintings which will Pause you for a while and feel mesmerized!

In modern times, people have incorporated miniature paintings as a fun way to do art and to express themselves. Bring out your artistic self as there are All-Time Cutest Miniature Painting Ideas.

Examples of Digital Paintings which will Pause you for a while

Examples of Digital Paintings which will Pause you for a while

Get To Know The Basics Before Starting

Do You Know What Exactly Digital Painting Is?

Examples of Digital Paintings which will Pause you for a while

Examples of Digital Paintings which will Pause you for a while

Digital painting in simple words is an art piece created using software, digital tablets, and specific styluses that use the traditional painting techniques such as texturing, watercolors, oil painting etc. it is similar to that of traditional style apart from the canvas and tools used.

Is It Same As The Computer Generated Art?

Examples of Digital Paintings which will Pause you for a while

Examples of Digital Paintings which will Pause you for a while

NO! They are worlds apart. Computer generated art and Examples of Digital Paintings which will Pause you for a while are not at all same. A computer-generated art is created by applying various algorithms and programs, which differ from digital paintings that are created by the human by using a stylus and own imagination.

So Is It Like PhotoShopping An Image?

Examples of Digital Paintings which will Pause you for a while

Examples of Digital Paintings which will Pause you for a while

Well, the answer to this question too is no! A digital painting is nothing like manipulating real photographs to get required results. Even though it may have its inspiration from real life and pictures, a digital painting is one’s own creation.

Apparatus You Will Require For Digital Painting

The Most Vital Part – The Software

Examples of Digital Paintings which will Pause you for a while

Examples of Digital Paintings which will Pause you for a while

There are loads of software available in the market for digital painting, Photoshop or coral draw are a few famous ones. Nevertheless, you should get one according to your budget and gadget.

The Input – Stylus

Examples of Digital Paintings which will Pause you for a while

Examples of Digital Paintings which will Pause you for a while

It would be right to call stylus- a paintbrush of a digital painter! Earlier, painters had numerous brushes for every other detail in the painting, but now, one single stylus does it all. It consists of pressure sensitivity and can sense a minute intensity of your pressure.

Putting Your Art Into A Heart Throbbing Painting

Do Want To Make It Realistic?

Examples of Digital Paintings which will Pause you for a while

Examples of Digital Paintings which will Pause you for a while

The realism of a picture depends completely on the artist. If they can truly “see the beauty” of a picture, the picture will speak on its own. If you are An amateur, you may find a problem is adding a realistic effect to the painting as your vision is not yet developed to see the angles and shadows of a scene. You should start with basic geometrical shapes, such as circles, squares or diamonds and try adding the shadow effect to it. Further, take inspiration from real life and paint the picture as god painted this world.

Get Your Colour Inspiration From Nature

Examples of Digital Paintings which will Pause you for a while

Examples of Digital Paintings which will Pause you for a while

We know the love of an amateur for vivid, elegant colors but sticking to a natural palette is most essential for you to learn the basics of adding life to your painting. Study and learn to apply this in a proper way and you will soon realize that being a professional has nothing to do with realism. For starters, you can try using tones of skin colors since painting our bodies requires more than just playing around with shades of brown.

Here We bring you the most amazing Imaginative Drawings Of Super Detailed Art.

Create Lighting Effect By Using Ambient Occlusion

Examples of Digital Paintings which will Pause you for a while

Examples of Digital Paintings which will Pause you for a while

Your software probably has ambient occlusion setting. For those of you who do not know what ambient occlusion is; it is shading and rendering technique used to measure the amount of exposure an object has to light. Moreover, try experimenting with the grey-scale to learn more about light rendering.

Also, We have chosen this list of Masterpieces of Contemporary Art Paintings Beginners must try, to make set his hand at it.

Add Texture To Create Liveliness

Examples of Digital Paintings which will Pause you for a while

Examples of Digital Paintings which will Pause you for a while

Think it this way; what fun would it be to touch and feel if nothing had texture? As in life, you touch things to feel them with your hands; a viewer can touch and feel a painting with his eyes on seeing textures. Add texture to your paintings such as emboss, feather brush. You can also experiment with overlays if you are comfortable using them now.

Examples of Digital Paintings which will Pause you for a while

Examples of Digital Paintings which will Pause you for a while

Examples of Digital Paintings which will Pause you for a while

Examples of Digital Paintings which will Pause you for a while

Examples of Digital Paintings which will Pause you for a while

Examples of Digital Paintings which will Pause you for a while

Examples of Digital Paintings which will Pause you for a while

Examples of Digital Paintings which will Pause you for a while

Examples of Digital Paintings which will Pause you for a while

Examples of Digital Paintings which will Pause you for a while

Examples of Digital Paintings which will Pause you for a while

Examples of Digital Paintings which will Pause you for a while

Examples of Digital Paintings which will Pause you for a while

Examples of Digital Paintings which will Pause you for a while

Examples of Digital Paintings which will Pause you for a while

Examples of Digital Paintings which will Pause you for a while

Examples of Digital Paintings which will Pause you for a while

Examples of Digital Paintings which will Pause you for a while

Examples of Digital Paintings which will Pause you for a while

Examples of Digital Paintings which will Pause you for a while

Examples of Digital Paintings which will Pause you for a while

Examples of Digital Paintings which will Pause you for a while

The walls can be your canvas and can be painted whichever way you like. In this article, we tell you the Secret Painting Tips To Make Your Walls Alive and happening.

Even if it is hyped with all technological and modern day terms, “digital painting” has its roots attached to the traditional ways and Examples of Digital Paintings which will Pause you for a while and authentic art. The basics to painting remain same whether you use software or a hard canvas. Although there is much software available in the market, it all sets only with an artistic eye.