40 Beautiful Sunset Acrylic Painting Ideas For Beginners

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If you ask me what are the most beautiful views that exist in the world I would say – a sea so blue you just want to dive in, a sunrise so beautiful you don’t wanna miss it and a sunset so mesmerizing you don’t wanna blink and lose a second of it. While having a sea view is not an everyday luxury (unless you live near it!) and neither watching the sunrise (because sleep is important!), sunset is something that we can always catch. Let’s try to paint our own versions of sunsets with the help of these beautiful sunset acrylic painting ideas for beginners.

Beautiful Sunset Acrylic Painting Ideas For Beginners

Beautiful Sunset Acrylic Painting Ideas For Beginners

Beautiful Sunset Acrylic Painting Ideas For Beginners

 Beautiful Sunset Acrylic Painting Ideas For Beginners

Beautiful Sunset Acrylic Painting Ideas For Beginners

Sunsets are such a beautiful sight for the eyes. The great thing about them is that they are so colorful. Like before immersing the world in dark, the sun wants to paint one last picture of the day with all the beautiful colors possible. And to capture that magic and playfulness of colors on a canvas might seem a difficult task but we will tell you how to paint a sunset with acrylic colors. Above all, to be honest, you can never go wrong with a sunset.

Beautiful Sunset Acrylic Painting Ideas For Beginners

Beautiful Sunset Acrylic Painting Ideas For Beginners

Beautiful Sunset Acrylic Painting Ideas For Beginners

Beautiful Sunset Acrylic Painting Ideas For Beginners

Beautiful Sunset Acrylic Painting Ideas For Beginners

What supplies to gather?

So before you start painting on your big canvas, you will need material. Duh, right! But what if we tell you that you don’t need to splurge on expensive items if the budget is tight. We all love to save some extra pennies in our pocket so even if you have a big budget, you can use the following items instead of a canvas board.

  • Cardboard
  • Cardstock
  • Scrap paper
  • Watercolor paper
  • Wood scraps
  • Rock

Most of these items can be easily found in your home. So if you are a beginner, I suggest you start with a cheap item like this and then move on to the canvas board.

 Beautiful Sunset Acrylic Painting Ideas For Beginners

 Beautiful Sunset Acrylic Painting Ideas For Beginners

 Beautiful Sunset Acrylic Painting Ideas For Beginners

 Beautiful Sunset Acrylic Painting Ideas For Beginners

Beautiful Sunset Acrylic Painting Ideas For Beginners

What else are we missing? The two most important things – paintbrush and paint! You can use any type of flat brush that you are comfortable with. And as for the colors, you already might have a few basic shades such as:

  • Red
  • Yellow
  • White
  • Black
  • Pink (Magenta)
  • Blue
  • Orange
  • Purple

If you have some of these basic shades then you can easily mix them and create new shades of paint. It is all up to what you paint. In other words, whatever colors you will require depends on the theme of the sunset you are planning to paint. It is not necessary to use a specific brand, you can use the ones you have or that are available in the local art store nearby.

Beautiful Sunset Acrylic Painting Ideas For Beginners

Beautiful Sunset Acrylic Painting Ideas For Beginners

Beautiful Sunset Acrylic Painting Ideas For Beginners

 Beautiful Sunset Acrylic Painting Ideas For Beginners

 Beautiful Sunset Acrylic Painting Ideas For Beginners

The Enchanting Themes

Now there can be many ways to paint a sunset. That’s what makes it so magnificent. A sunset is not just the colors splashed across the sky but also the way it affects this land. On different landscapes, the beauty of the sunset varies as well. Here are some of the themes that you can use while exploring sunset acrylic painting ideas for beginners.

Sunset in the City

 Beautiful Sunset Acrylic Painting Ideas For Beginners

A sunset in the city has its own appeal. You can show the silhouette of a cityscape while painting the sunset.

Hiding Behind the Mountains

Beautiful Sunset Acrylic Painting Ideas For Beginners

Something we have grown up drawing. This time let’s paint the mountains and the beautiful sun ready to rest behind them for the day.

Sun Kissing the Sea

 Beautiful Sunset Acrylic Painting Ideas For Beginners

Now that’s a sight we all dream of. Imagine the beach you want to visit or you have been to and paint the sun drowning in the sea.

Into The Wild

 Beautiful Sunset Acrylic Painting Ideas For Beginners

The sun is making the way for the moon as the creatures in the wild get ready for the night while soaking up the last of the warmth.

In a Land Unknown

Beautiful Sunset Acrylic Painting Ideas For Beginners

How about painting a sunset so beautiful it almost looks unreal?

Sunset in the Snow

Beautiful Sunset Acrylic Painting Ideas For Beginners

Here is a beautiful theme of the sunset where it is painting not just the sky but also the snowy land.

There are a plethora of different themes that you could try creating on the canvas. Keep looking through these sunset acrylic painting ideas for beginners to get more inspiration.

 Beautiful Sunset Acrylic Painting Ideas For Beginners

Beautiful Sunset Acrylic Painting Ideas For Beginners

Beautiful Sunset Acrylic Painting Ideas For Beginners

Beautiful Sunset Acrylic Painting Ideas For Beginners

 Beautiful Sunset Acrylic Painting Ideas For Beginners

img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-18891″ src=”https://hobbylesson.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/40-Beautiful-Sunset-Acrylic-Painting-Ideas-For-Beginners-32.jpg” alt=” Beautiful Sunset Acrylic Painting Ideas For Beginners” width=”600″ height=”724″ />

Beautiful Sunset Acrylic Painting Ideas For Beginners

Easy Tricks

If you are one of those who have never hold a paintbrush in their hands are just learning the gist of it then don’t get intimidated by the thought of how to paint a sunset with acrylic colors. We have some easy tricks to help you ease into this.

  • Grab some varying flat brushes, for instance, a small, medium, and a large one. These will come in handy while you are focusing on minute details.
  • Start with a pencil if you are not comfortable taking brush to the canvas directly. Draw the outlines and then pick the brush.
  • Make the area for the sunset damp so that the acrylic paint will spread easily.
  • Apply a thin coat of paint at first and then add another coat if it’s too light.
  • Keep your strokes from side to side and consistently in the same direction.
  • Go from light colors to dark colors so that you don’t need to worry about cleaning the brush so often.
  • Master the art of blending. A sunset is after all a charming blend of colors. So use the smaller brushes to that blending perfect.

Beautiful Sunset Acrylic Painting Ideas For Beginners

Beautiful Sunset Acrylic Painting Ideas For Beginners

Beautiful Sunset Acrylic Painting Ideas For Beginners

Beautiful Sunset Acrylic Painting Ideas For Beginners

Beautiful Sunset Acrylic Painting Ideas For Beginners

 Beautiful Sunset Acrylic Painting Ideas For Beginners

 Beautiful Sunset Acrylic Painting Ideas For Beginners

Don’t worry if your first sunset painting doesn’t come out to be perfect. It doesn’t have to be. Just keep practicing and you will get there. As I said, you can never go wrong with a sunset.