40 Great Ideas To Recycle Old Bicycle Parts

Annie Leonard once said, “Often when you think you’re at the end of something, you’re at the beginning of something else.” “There is no such thing as ‘away’. When we throw anything away it must go somewhere.” “When you put the whole picture together, recycling is the right thing to do.”

Old suitcases are not just suitcases; they are our “trunks of flash from the past” that have traveled from north to south and east to west with us. Well, it may be easy to get away with some old stuff but not with those retentive reflects of our journeys. But why should you discard it when we are here to your rescue bringing you Most Intelligent Ways to reuse old Vintage Suitcases.

Great Ideas To Recycle Old Bicycle Parts

Very aptly said, that’s how the cycle of creativity flows. As soon as someone says that this product is no more of use, the whole creativity blood flows in to see how else can it be used. Bicycle parts are also one among this category. If you are planning to just give away your old bicycle in scrap, then wait! Take out all the parts, and see how we suggest you Great Ideas Recycle Old Bicycle Parts.

Great Ideas To Recycle Old Bicycle Parts

Use The Tires To Make A Wall Art Out Of It

Great Ideas To Recycle Old Bicycle Parts

Great Ideas To Recycle Old Bicycle Parts

Could we start our list with anything else but this idea? All you need for this creative idea is to have a lot of tire brims and an empty wall. You will need to use hard glue to ensure you are able to stick the brims. If not, you can insert nails into the wall, and make small holes to the brims, and then hang them on the wall. Use brims of different sizes to come up with a nice pattern.

Make A Bracelet Out Of The Cycle Tube

Great Ideas To Recycle Old Bicycle Parts

Great Ideas To Recycle Old Bicycle Parts

Aren’t these Great Ideas To Recycle Old Bicycle Parts? Take the tube, use blade and glue to stick them in a way that it looks like a bracelet. You can cut the tubes into thin stripes and then braid two or three together – this will make your bracelet strong, and will also add a pattern. To be able to secure it in your hand, you can either add a small clip at both the ends, that will combine to make it stay or you can have a tie mechanism to tie them together – like a friendship band.

Earrings Out Of Bicycle Chains

Great Ideas To Recycle Old Bicycle Parts

Great Ideas To Recycle Old Bicycle Parts

This is my personal fav! All you need are parts of the chain and a loop to attach the chains to. Take the chains, and paint them with colors of your choice, Now, carefully attach them to the loops that you have (which will go into the ear hole). Ala! Your cute little DIY earrings are all ready to flaunt. Here are some Brilliant ways to Repurposing or Reusing Broken Dishes.

A Table Out Of The Tires

Great Ideas To Recycle Old Bicycle Parts

Great Ideas To Recycle Old Bicycle Parts

By far, the best idea, but this idea will need a lot of patience and a little extra equipment. You will need some table saw, drill, band saw, disc sander and the table top. Use the tire brims to make the bottom of the table – you will have to use the table legs (that you have bought separately) to attach them to the rims using the drill machine. Now above the tire brim, carefully place the glass top and attach it with those rubber magnets that attach glass with steel material. Your tabletop is ready.

Belt With The Tubes Of Bicycle

Great Ideas To Recycle Old Bicycle Parts

Great Ideas To Recycle Old Bicycle Parts

If you are looking for an easy-peasy yet Great Ideas To Recycle Old Bicycle Parts, then this one is yours! All you need is the rubber or tube of the bicycle and you can make a belt out of it. Mark as many holes as you want, and attach the belt clip at the start of the belt, and you are good to go.

Bottle Openers

Great Ideas To Recycle Old Bicycle Parts

Great Ideas To Recycle Old Bicycle Parts

Looking for a creative set of Great Ideas To Recycle Old Bicycle Parts? Use the chains of the bicycle to make bottle openers. You will have to use the drill machine to add the opener at the top of the chain. Make the chain into a lope shape, and attach that as well on the top to make it look classy.

A Photo Frame

Great Ideas To Recycle Old Bicycle Parts

Great Ideas To Recycle Old Bicycle Parts

Use the chains of the bicycle to make the outers of the photo frame. Simple and hassle-free, this design can also be painted, if you do not want the brown of the chains. Just stick them on the existing frame for easy work. Also, See these Borderline Genius Ways to Reuse Waste Plastic Bottles turning them into some beautiful DIY home décor items and for many other purposes. You are in for a surprise here!

Coasters Of The Chain

Great Ideas To Recycle Old Bicycle Parts

Great Ideas To Recycle Old Bicycle Parts

Use the chains, form a circular shape out of them, and stick the ends – place them neatly on your tabletop to let them act as coasters. You can make various sizes and shapes of these. You can go for squares or other shapes of your choice.

Great Ideas To Recycle Old Bicycle Parts

Great Ideas To Recycle Old Bicycle Parts

Great Ideas To Recycle Old Bicycle Parts

Great Ideas To Recycle Old Bicycle Parts

Great Ideas To Recycle Old Bicycle Parts

Great Ideas To Recycle Old Bicycle Parts

Great Ideas To Recycle Old Bicycle Parts

Great Ideas To Recycle Old Bicycle Parts

Great Ideas To Recycle Old Bicycle Parts

Great Ideas To Recycle Old Bicycle Parts

Great Ideas To Recycle Old Bicycle Parts

Great Ideas To Recycle Old Bicycle Parts

Great Ideas To Recycle Old Bicycle Parts

Great Ideas To Recycle Old Bicycle Parts

Great Ideas To Recycle Old Bicycle Parts

Great Ideas To Recycle Old Bicycle Parts

Great Ideas To Recycle Old Bicycle Parts

Great Ideas To Recycle Old Bicycle Parts

Great Ideas To Recycle Old Bicycle Parts

Great Ideas To Recycle Old Bicycle Parts

Great Ideas To Recycle Old Bicycle Parts

Great Ideas To Recycle Old Bicycle Parts

Great Ideas To Recycle Old Bicycle Parts

Great Ideas To Recycle Old Bicycle Parts

Recycling several plastic materials, have now become a trend these days. Have piles of plastic bags here and there, pull out your creative skills and make these DIY Plastic Bag Recycling Projects work well for your kids.

What are you waiting for? Get going and stop everybody from throwing away bicycle parts now ‘cause these Great Ideas To Recycle Old Bicycle Parts are right here to your rescue!