40 Stunning Ideas For Spray Paint Art Lovers

Painting is actually a very popular medium of art all over the world. There is nothing to say additionally about its characteristics. But today we are going to discuss something in deep. Very few people are aware about the different form of arts except some of the popular ones. Like we all know about the acrylic painting, oil painting, water color painting etc. but there are still other form of art or painting which still remains underground. This article will deal with a very special one among them. It is the form of Spray painting.

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Spray paint art is a modern art form usually done with the help of spray paints. Normally it is done of poster boards but can be done in any non-porous material such as wood, concrete, metal, glass, ceramic etc. Nowadays you will commonly see this type of art in various walls, buildings, trains etc. It is done mainly very fast and is so beautiful that it has the capability to attract any people passing by it. Even after a long time after its invention it remains as an underground form and is often opposed by the traditional painters around the world. Since its inception it has been a part of various movements.

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It is normally regarded as a very unique form which is often practiced in big metropolitan cities. Talking about it in details, it features landscapes, social messages, natural scenes, iconic characters, planets etc. It can although have a one colored background or a multi colored background. There are various controversies regarding the discussion about its invention but so far as we have found, the real story behind it is that it was mainly practiced first in Mexico City in the early 1980’s. Ruben Fernandez was the man who first painted using spray paint in front of his studio and gradually moved to streets with this amazing art form. He never used brush in his paintings and came up with various experimental drawings. In some places you will also see that a spray paint performance is often accompanied by music. Some spray paint artists still regards Frank Frazetta as the founder of this art form in the 1960’s. But it gained actual popularity after the 1980’s.

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There are various different tools that are necessary for a spray painting some of them which we are going to discuss here. The painters say that spray paint, oil painter’s palette knife, glossy magazine pages, bowls, buckets, lids, cans, various circular objects, respirator, paper towels, sponges, plastic grocery bags etc. are the basic necessary items for a spray painting. But apart from these it doesn’t means that anyone having all these equipments can jump into spray painting. It is really a very tough art form and needs a lot of painting sense. Normally an artist starts the painting with a mental layout of the picture. The technique of painting involves use of layers and textures. Even nowadays spray has developed in 3D form. There are various artists who make 3D spray paintings. So it needs a lot of practice and like other learned art form a really interesting one.

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But it is the reality that the wall spray painters don’t get a lot of popularity because of the nature of this art form. This article is actually a tribute to them those who spend their life on spray painting and also an inspiration for the future spray painters. The collection of spray painting artworks below will inspire even a normal man who doesn’t have any interest in painting. So if you are looking for real inspiration on Spray paint artworks, just scroll down to get mesmerized.

Stunning Ideas For Spray Paint Art Lovers

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