20 Easy Animals to Draw For Practice

Deer: Deers are not an easy animal to draw. But here you can really learn it easily.

Dog: Every child loves to include dogs in their drawing and from their very childhood they start growing a fascination towards dogs. So let them discover how easy is to draw a dog.

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Dolphin: You know that dolphin is one of the cutest and intelligent creatures in the world. So teach your kid to draw a cute dolphin and also make them learn some interesting facts about the creature.

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Fish: Drawing a fish is always interesting because of the shape. It’s also very important to make your kid learn to draw fish because they will also need it in their academic purposes.

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Frog : Yes you never imagined before that drawing a frog can be so easy. This is really funny as well interesting.

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Giraffes: Giraffes are always the stars of the zoo. If you have visited to a zoo recently with your kid, you should be sure that your kid can remember the giraffe. So do this by making them draw a cute giraffe.

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Hippo: Hippos are always the center of attraction probably because of their name. But yes they are really very beautiful animal.

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Horse: Are you thinking that your kid will love to draw horse or not? Just get yourself out from this confusion and download the template as quick as possible.

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Kangaroo: Kangaroos or the national animal of Australia is always the hot favorite of children. So just take this to your kid and they will really have fun with it.

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Lion: So lastly here’s the king of jungle. Probably you teach your kids about lions so why not let them learn to draw this amazing animal this time? Just make them go through some easy steps and they will learn to draw a lion.

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So here are the 20 animals that we have selected for your kid and each of the animals are popular and they needs to learn to draw these amazing animals. So just don’t wait anymore and start downloading the templates by clicking on the names.

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