40 Mind Pausing Ideas of Urban Sketching for Beginners

So you have got all your supplies and inspiration to start urban sketching, but are not sure of how to start and where to get started. Don’t worry we are here to help you get on with your journey along with lots of tips and tricks. Well, if you are someone who loves journaling and documenting life then urban sketching for Beginners is a brilliant idea to start off.

Urban Sketching for Beginners

One of the most challenging techniques to master for on-location sketching is “perspective”. So before venturing do keep some of these tips in mind. So friends, pinch out every drop of information you can from this post and create a magical masterpiece. Don’t forget that practice is the key to perfection! The more you practice these Mind Pausing Ideas of Urban Sketching for Beginners more you will learn and evolve. Happy Painting!

Sketching for Beginners

Boats Sailing Into The Harbour Sketching for Beginners
Urban Sketching for Beginners

Urban Sketching for Beginners

Well, this a great way to capture some beautiful motion. You can go to harbor nearby your town or you can get to sketch such a scene if you are on a vacation. It’s a wonderful way to relax and create your art.

Children Playing In The Park
Urban Sketching for Beginners

Urban Sketching for Beginners

We all have had the best time of our lives just roaming around in parks or having picnics with our friends and family. Children playing in the park, people having lunch or just a person playing with his/her dog is a good scene to sketch side by side try your hand for incredible nature pencil drawings. So the next time you plan to go don’t forget to carry your kit along!

Couple Enjoying An Ice Cream Sketching for Beginners
Urban Sketching for Beginners

Urban Sketching for Beginners

This a great idea for beginners as their will be only two people to focus on. Pencils are a good idea to start if you are at beginner level as you can easily erase your mistakes. Be sure to ask for consent if the other person is ok with you drawing their sketch or not before you start.you can go dramatic and sketch some behind the scenes to make it an Innovative Dancing women Drawings and sketches idea.
(P.S – Just don’t get the couple awkward!)

A Busy Evening Market
Urban Sketching for Beginners

Urban Sketching for Beginners

The market is a good place to start off too. There will be a lot of subjects. So you need to think beforehand as to what part you want to focus on. The whole market or just a single person selling something, that’s is up to you.
(TIP- Do ask this question to yourself before you start “Am I inspired enough to sketch this? If your answer is no, then maybe you should try another time, because if you do not enjoy what you are doing then it’s useless…)

An Ancient Building
Urban Sketching for Beginners
Image Source

Urban Sketching for Beginners
Image Source

You might say, I could just take a photograph of something like this. Well, off Corse you can. You can a picture of anything! But when you will sketch, it is then that the place would be connected to your heart and soul. And will be a stunning memory to cherish forever.You can also try beautiful taj mahal drawings and sketches to expand your area.
(TIP- Try to choose a location which is quiet and secluded, because as a beginner it would help you to concentrate more on your subject.)

A Construction Site Sketching for Beginners
Urban Sketching for Beginners

Urban Sketching for Beginners

Finding extraordinary in the ordinary is what you should try to learn when creating art. At a location like a construction site, you can see a lot of things happening, heavy trucks and cranes moving, people moving around doing work, carrying things. So there is a lot to capture.

A Train Station Or Airport Sketching for Beginners
Urban Sketching for Beginners

Urban Sketching for Beginners

What a brilliant idea to utilize your waiting time right? Well, this could be an amazing way to practice capture life as it moves. You can paint a child looking out of the window at an airplane taking off or people waiting in lounge or pilots going with their luggage or when a tram on the road. There are a million ways you can portray something like this. Use your creativity to the fullest.