10 Easy Black and White Craft Ideas for Preschool

It is believed that children are like a sponge. They absorb all that they are taught and all that they observe in their immediate vicinity. That is why parenting toddlers are considered to be the most daunting task. What you say, what you eat, or what you teach them – makes a huge impact on

40 Best Disney Movies Quotes to Inspire you in Life

We love Disney movies! These animation flicks strike the right chord with us. And guess what, it’s not just small kids that have the love for these movies, even adults binge-watch them. And trust us, the people who watch them back to back are not to be blamed here. Disney movies are so engrossing and

40 Beautiful Chainsaw Carving Artworks

The whole artwork began with a small piece of gesture within family members. It was in the year 1952 that Mr Ray Murphy had used chainsaw carving as a method to engrave his own name on a piece of wood. His father owned a chainsaw, and the young child used it to carve something beautiful.

40 Heartwarming Mother and Father Love Quotes

There is no love greater than a mother’s and no care bigger than a father’s. Though your mother carries you in her womb for 9 months, the father is also always there for his children. Did you ever wonder, why they are called FAMILY? Because FAMILY says, father and mother, I Love You. Here we

40 Easy Finger Painting Ideas for Kids

Kids tend to imagine the world as a place with an entirely different perspective. They believe in colours and unicorns, things that are bright and shiny, they perceive this world free of problems and thus, their imagination runs far and wide. Finger painting helps to capture this perception in a unique way and it is
