15 Time-Saving Kitchen Hacks for Newly Moms

Being a new mom is a wonderful and challenging journey that often leaves little time for anything else. Amidst caring for a newborn and managing daily tasks, cooking can become a time-consuming chore. However, with a few clever kitchen hacks, new moms can streamline meal preparation and save valuable time without sacrificing the quality of their family’s meals. In this article, we’ll explore 15 time-saving kitchen hacks specifically designed to help new moms navigate the demands of motherhood while keeping their families well-fed and happy.

Time-Saving Kitchen Hacks for Newly Moms

1 Have a List for Shopping

Creating a comprehensive shopping list is the foundation of efficient meal preparation. As a new mom, time is precious, and wandering aimlessly through the grocery store is both time-consuming and stressful. Before heading out to shop, take a few minutes to plan your meals for the upcoming week. Consider your family’s preferences, dietary restrictions, and any special occasions or events that may require specific ingredients.

Organize your shopping list by categories like fruits, vegetables, dairy, meats, pantry staples, and so on. This way, you can navigate the store quickly, picking up the items you need without wasting time going back and forth. Having a well-organized shopping list also ensures that you won’t forget essential ingredients, reducing the need for multiple trips to the store throughout the week.

2 Meal Plan

Meal planning is a game-changer for new moms. Taking a little time each week to plan your meals will save you countless hours in the kitchen. Start by considering the week ahead and your family’s schedule. Identify busier days when you might need quicker meals and plan accordingly.

Create a meal plan that includes a variety of recipes, allowing you to reuse ingredients and leftovers creatively. Consider designating theme nights like Meatless Mondays or Pasta Thursdays to simplify the planning process further. Additionally, involve your family in the meal planning process to ensure everyone’s preferences are considered.

3 Read The Recipe Well Before Cooking

Before diving into any recipe, take a few minutes to read it thoroughly. Understanding the recipe from start to finish allows you to prepare and organize all the necessary ingredients and equipment in advance. This prevents frustrating interruptions during cooking, such as realizing you’re missing a crucial ingredient or searching for a specific kitchen tool.

Furthermore, reading the recipe ahead of time enables you to plan for any necessary preparation steps, like marinating meat or soaking beans, well in advance. By having everything prepared and ready to go, you can smoothly navigate through the cooking process, saving both time and stress.

4 Use A Slow-Cooker

A slow-cooker, also known as a crockpot, is a valuable asset for new moms. It offers the convenience of “set it and forget it” cooking, allowing you to prepare meals with minimal effort. In the morning, simply toss in the ingredients for a hearty stew, chili, or a delicious roast. By dinnertime, you’ll be greeted with a mouthwatering aroma and a fully cooked meal.

The slow-cooker is perfect for busy days when you have limited time to spend in the kitchen. You can also use it to batch cook, preparing larger quantities of meals and freezing leftovers for future use. Slow-cookers are not only time-saving but also great for tenderizing tougher cuts of meat and developing rich flavors in soups and stews.

5 Make Enough For Leftovers

Cooking in large batches not only saves time but also ensures you have leftovers for future meals. As a new mom, having pre-cooked meals on hand can be a lifesaver on particularly hectic days when cooking from scratch is simply not feasible.

When making soups, stews, casseroles, or any dish that freezes well, prepare extra servings and store them in individual containers in the fridge or freezer. This way, you can simply reheat a portion whenever you need a quick and delicious meal without compromising on taste or quality.

6 Utilize Your Freezer Space

A well-organized freezer can be a new mom’s best friend. Take advantage of its storage capacity by freezing individual portions of meals, sauces, and soups. Use freezer-safe containers or resealable bags to prevent freezer burn and ensure your meals stay fresh.

Consider preparing freezer-friendly meals, such as lasagna, stuffed peppers, or homemade pizza, and freezing them for later. Also, freezing fresh fruits and vegetables is a smart way to preserve their nutrients and have them readily available for smoothies, stir-fries, or baking.

7 Simplify Meals

As a new mom, simplicity is key when it comes to meal preparation. Focus on recipes that require fewer ingredients and straightforward cooking techniques. Quick and easy meals can still be delicious and nutritious without the need for complex recipes.

One-pot dishes, like stir-fries, skillet meals, and sheet pan dinners, are excellent time-saving options. These recipes often combine protein, vegetables, and grains in a single dish, minimizing both cooking and cleanup time. Embrace the beauty of simple, wholesome ingredients that can come together to create satisfying and flavorful meals.

8 Learn To Juggle

Multitasking in the kitchen is a valuable skill for any new mom. While one pot simmers on the stove, use that time to chop vegetables for another dish or prepare a quick salad. As you become more comfortable with various cooking techniques, you’ll find it easier to juggle different tasks simultaneously.

If your baby is napping or content in a safe spot, take advantage of those moments to tackle some cooking tasks. While waiting for water to boil or food to cook, you can unload the dishwasher, wipe down counters, or take care of other small kitchen chores.

9 Keep Cabinets Organized

Organizing your kitchen in a way that optimizes efficiency is essential for new moms. Keep frequently used items like pots, pans, and cooking utensils within easy reach of the stove and oven. This eliminates the need to move around the kitchen while cooking and ensures you have everything you need at your fingertips.

Consider organizing your pantry and cabinets based on the frequency of use. Store frequently used items at eye level and place less frequently used items on higher or lower shelves. This not only saves time but also makes it easier to maintain a clutter-free and organized kitchen.

10 Prepare Ingredients In Advance

One of the most effective time-saving strategies in the kitchen is prepping ingredients in advance. When you have a spare moment, wash, peel, and chop vegetables. Marinate meats and poultry, or cook grains and beans ahead of time. Having prepped ingredients ready to go significantly reduces the time you spend at the stove during the busy dinner rush.

Investing in time-saving kitchen tools like a food processor or a mandoline slicer can also make ingredient preparation more efficient. These tools can quickly chop, slice, and shred ingredients, saving you valuable time and effort.

11 Clean As You Go

Cleaning as you go is a habit that can save you significant time in the kitchen, especially when preparing elaborate meals. Keep a sink or basin with warm soapy water nearby while cooking. As you finish using utensils, cutting boards, and other kitchen tools, place them in the soapy water to soak. This prevents stubborn food residues from drying up and makes cleanup after the meal much more manageable.

Additionally, try to wipe down countertops and surfaces as spills occur. This prevents sticky messes from accumulating and reduces the overall cleaning time once the meal is ready.

12 Keep A Well-Stocked Pantry

Maintaining a well-stocked pantry is a time-saving strategy that ensures you always have the basics on hand to whip up a meal. Essential pantry items like canned goods, pasta, rice, oils, spices, and seasonings can be combined with fresh ingredients to create a variety of delicious dishes.

Take inventory of your pantry regularly and restock items as they run low. Having a well-stocked pantry means you can still prepare a satisfying meal even when fresh ingredients are limited or when you can’t make a trip to the grocery store.

Consider creating a pantry organization system with labeled containers to easily locate ingredients. This way, you’ll be able to quickly find what you need without wasting time rummaging through shelves.

13 Keep A Container For Food Scraps On The Counter

Having a designated container on the counter for food scraps, peels, and trimmings is a time-saving and eco-friendly solution. Rather than constantly walking back and forth to the trash can or compost bin, you can easily toss food scraps into the container as you cook.

This simple practice keeps your workspace clean and clutter-free, making meal preparation more efficient. When the container is full, you can conveniently take it to your compost bin or disposal, saving you multiple trips during the cooking process.

14 Use One-Pot Recipes

One-pot recipes are a true blessing for new moms, as they streamline meal preparation and minimize cleanup efforts. These recipes combine all the necessary ingredients into a single pot or pan, allowing flavors to meld together while requiring less hands-on cooking.

Popular one-pot options include soups, stews, chili, casseroles, and skillet meals. With one-pot recipes, you can easily adjust serving sizes and freeze leftovers for future meals, making them a time-efficient and versatile choice.

15 Keep Cookware Where It Is Most Used

Strategically organizing your kitchenware based on frequency of use can significantly improve efficiency. Keep the cookware, utensils, and tools you use most often close to their corresponding workstations.

Store pots, pans, and spatulas near the stove and oven, while placing baking sheets and mixing bowls near your prep area. This setup allows you to access everything you need without having to move around the kitchen too much.

Consider using hanging racks or wall-mounted organizers to maximize kitchen space and keep frequently used items within reach. Keeping your kitchen organized and optimized ensures that you can move smoothly from one cooking task to another, saving valuable time during meal preparation.


1. Can I freeze meals for an extended period?

Yes, you can freeze meals for several weeks, depending on the type of food. Properly stored, frozen meals can remain safe to eat for up to three months. Remember to use airtight containers or freezer-safe bags to avoid freezer burn.

2. How can I simplify meal planning as a new mom?

To simplify meal planning, opt for a rotating menu of easy-to-make recipes that your family enjoys. Consider designating theme nights (e.g., taco Tuesday) or plan meals with overlapping ingredients to minimize waste.

3. How do I make the most of my slow-cooker?

The slow-cooker is a versatile appliance for new moms. Prep ingredients the night before and refrigerate them in the slow-cooker insert. In the morning, simply place the insert into the base, set the cooking time, and let it do the work while you attend to other tasks.


For new moms, time-saving kitchen hacks are essential for managing the demands of motherhood while ensuring the family is well-fed and nourished. With a well-planned shopping list, meal planning, and clever time-management strategies, cooking can become a hassle-free and enjoyable experience. By using slow-cookers, freezer space, and one-pot recipes, you can significantly reduce kitchen time without compromising the quality of your meals. Embrace these kitchen hacks, and you’ll find yourself with more time to cherish those precious moments with your little one. Happy cooking!

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