Do I have Depression Signs and Symptoms? – Workshop!


Feeling down, getting upset and being unhappy from time to time is a normal part of life. But when you persistently feel sad, despair and hopeless is when you may have depression. Depression makes it tough for you to enjoy the things like you once did. It’s more than just a feeling of unhappiness or blue for few days. It might last for weeks or months rather than just a few days. But no matter how sad you feel, it can be cured. By understanding the cause and finding out right treatment and support, people can completely recover from depression. Here You use these positive and smart ways to motivate yourself because no one can do that better than you.


Do I have Depression Signs and Symptoms?

What Is Depression?


Depression is a common and complex mood disorder. The feeling of hopelessness, sadness, and worthlessness take hold and just don’t go away. It changes how you feel, how you function completely. It affects the daily activities like eat, sleep, work and enjoyment. Depression is like you’re living in a complete black hole. Men, particularly feel a lot more restless and angry. But these feelings are just symptoms of depression but not the reality. It might take time to recover depression, uplift your mood and regain the happiness of your life, but it is possible.

What Causes Depression?


Some life changing events can be a cause of triggering depression. Sometimes you can also be depressed for no obvious reasons. Genetic or family history of depression or increased stress in life can also be the cause. Around one in ten people get depressed at some point in their life. You also may like these Inspirational Happy family quotes to Spread Away Positivity.

What Are The Symptoms Of Depression?


The symptoms of depression are feeling sad, despair which lasts for more than two weeks and impairs the person’s work and personal relationships.

  • Physical complains increases like vomiting, headache, back pain, stomach pain etc.
  • You get a strong feeling of hopelessness. You criticise almost everything.
  • The tolerance level decreases and everything and everyone get on your nerves.
  • Most of the times, you feel angry and frustrated.
  • Sleep pattern changes. Either a person becomes oversleeps or become insomniac.
  • You lose interest in things which you loved to do.
  • Changes in appetite and weight occur.
  • You often feel fatigued and mentally and physically enervated.

Am I Depressed?

Depression affects people in different ways. The lasting feeling of unhappiness and losing interest from things you used to love are few signs that say yes, you are depressed. There are physical symptoms also which tells like losing sleep, decrease in weight and appetite, constantly feeling tired and various pains and aches.

What Are The Risk Factors Of Depression?


Risk factors that make you vulnerable to depression are:

  • Loneliness.
  • Lack of social and family support.
  • Stress.
  • A family history of depression.
  • Financial problem.
  • Childhood issues.
  • Alcohol.
  • Unemployment.
  • Understanding the underlying cause of depression is very important.

What Are The Types Of Depression?


Major depression- typically lasts for 6 months. For some people, it might happen once in a lifetime and for some, it is a recurring mental disorder.
Atypical depression- it is a subtype of major depression, it responds to medication and therapies. In these cases, depression occurs because of some reason and is remedied by changing the situation.
Dysthymia is a low-grade depression, you may feel depressed for some time, then get back to normal. If you suffer from Dysthymia, you might feel like you are born this way, with continuous low moods.

How To Cope Up With Depression?


Getting through depression is one of the toughest things a person can go through. But there is hope!
Reach out to other people
Reach out to your family or friends, never stay isolated. Even if you feel like being alone and not burden others, still go out and talk your feelings out. Depression makes it nearly impossible to discuss the problem openly and get the help you need.

Exercise regularly


You might not want to leave your bed, but getting out for a walk and regular exercise can be an effective medication in countering the symptoms of depression. Now that you are all geared up to try this form of exercise,here are some 10 Life-Changing Yoga Asanas For Meditation.

Find ways to engage yourself


Instead of staying isolated and wondering about your worthlessness, try to distract yourself and engage in other activities. Stay fit and agile. Meditate a lot. Start with small activities and built up slowly.
Pick a hobby you used to enjoy. But, hobbies are more than just a hobby, because it makes you happy, from the inside. So, never give up on them and do it – even if it just for some time.

Find happiness in joys of others


You’ll be shocked how much happiness charity brings, if not for you then try bringing a smile on others face. Make small positive changes in your lifestyle.

Is Seeking Professional Help Beneficial?


If talking to family, friends, making few lifestyle changes don’t help then seek professional help. Professional treatment for depression includes consulting a therapist who can treat depression with various techniques and also motivate you to take the necessary action. Expert therapy can also offer you the medication and insight to prevent depression from coming back. Medication can be helpful if you’re feeling suicidal or violent, it isn’t a cure and is not usually a long-term solution. It can surely lift up your mood and stabilize you. So why such wasting of time when you have a list of things you can do when you don’t want to do anything.

Feeling better takes a lot of time, but you can get there by taking positive choices for yourself.


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