10 Life Changing Yoga Asanas For Meditation

B.K Iyengar once said, “Yoga teaches us to cure what need not be endured and endure what cannot be cured”. People who religiously follow Yoga and meditation will be able to prove the fact that Yoga not only helps you to keep your body fit and healthy, but it also heals you from inside. It is a journey of self, which nobody except you can travel.

Yoga is known to be originated years ago, in the Asian regions of the world. It is believed that this form of exercise, is by far the best way to achieve physical and mental well-being. It is known that this form has lot of hidden benefits – and half an hour in the morning, spent on Yoga is going to reap benefits. When combined with proper postures, breathing inhale and exhalations, this is a very powerful form of relieving stress too. What more, Yoga and meditation also helps in weight loss! Suddenly, have all ears and eyes here? *Haha!* Can quite relate to you, because when I began meditation, I did it with the sole purpose to lose some stubborn tummy fat, but today, trust me, I am relieved of quite a lot of stress and feel quite healthy from inside. Here are 20 easy ways that can help you relax in all circumstances. Don’t think that it will take some extra time; in fact you can do these things in a few minutes.

Now that you are all geared up to try this form of exercise, here are some 10 Life Changing Yoga Asanas For Meditation. To be able to try these, all you need is a Yoga Mat and an open space for fresh air to flow into your body while the Yoga Asanas reap their benefits to your body.

Life Changing Yoga Asanas For Meditation

The Yoga Squats

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Interesting isn’t it? This Asana concentrates more on overall body fitness, just like squats with the added benefits of Yoga. To do this life changing yoga Asana for meditation, you need to squat with your heels inwards and toes outwards. Fold your hands in front of your chest, just as if you are praying. It helps to stretch your complete abdominal body.

The Chair Asana

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To do this Asana, you need to position your body as if you are sitting on a chair, except that you won’t have a chair to balance out your position. While bending in the form, inhale deeply, stay in that position till you can hold on to your breath and then rise up while you exhale. This allows you to allow your mind concentrate on inhaling and exhaling while forgetting about all other tensions.

The Reverse Warrior

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This one surely had to be one among the 10 Life Changing Yoga Asanas For Meditation. This Asana is a side stretch with your hands stretched out too. This wonderful pose has multiple benefits – it allows your body muscles to stretch and thus opens up all muscles that lie from your hand, rib and abdominal.

The Half Moon Pose

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Wondering how you can form a shape of the half-moon? Well, in this pose you need to balance on either of your leg and corresponding hand. Lift the other leg parallel to the floor and the other hand extended high up in the air. This exercise is good for the brain, nervous system and the mind.

The Pose of a cow Asana

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Position yourself on both your hands and legs, just like you are crawling. Now, when you inhale, lift up your butt and chest and bring them down as you exhale. While you lift up your chest, bring down your spine and vice versa.

The Asana for breathing

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This is the easiest among the 10 Life Changing Yoga Asanas For Meditation. In this, all you need to do is alternate your nostrils breathing. So, if you inhale deeply from your right nostril, exhale from the left. Use your thumb and first finger to block the other nostril. There are many ways to relieve your stress, so look for that ways so that no stress can get over you. Here we will be talking about 10 hobbies that really work great to relieve your stressful mind.

Bound Angel Pose

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In this, rest your knees to drop down to the floor. Sit down and lean forward while you keep your spine straight. Stretch out your hands in front with your palms open and facing the sky. It helps women get rid of their mensuration cramps and in general is an amazing Asana for all pelvic disorders.

The Camel Pose

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To be able to reap all benefits of this wonderful pose, stand up on your knees. While you do this, ensure that your hips are wide apart. Now, rest your arms from backward on the heel of your toe. Stay like that for as much time as you can. This pose increases your lung capacity to breathe more fresh air.

The wheel of vitality

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In this, you squat towards the floor. You put your legs wide apart and turn your toes out while the heels go in. Ensure that you are bending your knees towards the toes. Now, open your hands high up and while rotating them, bring them back to your chest. Next, you sweep your hands towards the sky and bring them back down to the floor. Reverse these movements to complete a wheel.

The Yoga Plank

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Just like the normal plank, but with the yoga inhales and exhales this yoga plank brings in a lot of peace to the mind and brain.
Combine these with your daily workout regimes and see the effects in the long run. So, which life-changing yoga Asana for meditation are you trying today?

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